Shedd (surname)

Per Daniel Shed Genealogy: Ancestry and Descendants of Daniel Shed of Braintree, Massachusetts 1327-1920, by Frank Shedd with English Ancestry by J. Gardner Bartlett, Boston: Shedd Family Association, 1921, up to 70% of those with the Shedd family name in the United States in 1920 are descended from Daniel Shed. Daniel Shed arrived in Braintree, Massachusetts from Finchingfield, England approximately 1643 and homesteaded land in what is now Germantown in Quincy, Massachusetts. In fact, until approximately 1750, Germantown was known as "Shed's Neck". Upon arrival in the Massachusetts Colony, Daniel Shedd and descendants changed the spelling of their surname. Daniel Shedd went on to be one of the founding settlers of Billerica, Massachusetts. His descendants include both John G. Shedd (member of the Shedd Family Association) and William Greenough Thayer Shedd, cited above.

According to additional research conducted by J. Gardner Bartlett in England during the compilation of the volume, the Shedd family name likely begun as de Schedde, being descendants of John de Schedde of Edwardstone, Suffolk, England.
