
Sharia4Holland is an Islamist movement, openly seeking to institute Sharia law in the Netherlands. The group is an offshoot of the Belgian extremist network Sharia4Belgium.[1]


At the height of the Occupy movement in 2011, members of Sharia4Holland were first observed handing out radical Islamic flyers at protests in Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht,[2] resulting in their monitoring by the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD).[3]

During a debate in De Balie in Amsterdam with Tofik Dibi of GreenLeft on 7 December 2011, a group of twenty Muslim radicals stormed the premises, throwing eggs and clamoring for the execution of Canadian writer Irshad Manji, who was present talking about her book Allah, Liberty and Love.[4][5] The disturbance was brought to an end by the riot police and two men from Belgium, 19 and 22 years old members of Sharia4Holland, were arrested for their insulting and threatening behaviour.[6][7]

On May 25, 2012, the movement held a press conference on the Dam Square with Anjem Choudary of Islam4UK, self-titled the Global Shariah Conference.[8][9] During the conference, a spokesman for Sharia4Holland proclaimed that noted Islam critic Geert Wilders will be 'dealt with' when the Netherlands becomes an Islamic state and that the Dutch should 'learn from the case of Theo van Gogh'. He was arrested for this death threat, summoned and released forty-eight hours later.[10][11]

When Fouad Belkacem, leader of Sharia4Belgium and convicted in Belgium for hate speech against non-Muslims, was invited to the conference, Wilders' Party for Freedom had requested ministers Ivo Opstelten and Gerd Leers to treat Belkacem as persona non grata.[12] There was however no feasible legal basis to prohibit the conference.


Several Dutch politicians have criticized Sharia4Holland, including a number from Islamic backgrounds. Ahmed Marcouch of the Labour Party (PvdA) called the ideas of organization violent, Coşkun Çörüz with the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) wanted measures to be taken and Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) referred to their intimidating behavior as 'impossible'. Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) want an outright ban on the movement.[13][14]


  1. (Dutch) Shariah4Holland wil vechten voor de wetgeving van Allah, Trouw, 22 dec 2010
  2. (Dutch) Shariah4Holland, Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD), retrieved 23 May 2012
  3. (Dutch) 'Moskee wint aan invloed', De Telegraaf, 20 apr 2012
  4. Muslim extremists storm Irshad's book launch in Amsterdam, Richard Dawkins Foundation, 24 January 2012, retrieved 7 March 2012,
  5. (Dutch) Moslims verstoren debat over islam,, 7 dec 2011
  6. (Dutch) Verstoorders Balie-debat nog vast,, 8 dec 2011
  7. (Dutch) Nog twee Belgen vast na rel bij debat, AT5, 8 december 2011
  8. (Dutch) Leider Sharia4Belgium zaterdag naar Amsterdam, PVV stelt Kamervragen, Volkskrant, 22 May 2012
  9. (Dutch) Kamervragen over komst leider Sharia4Belgium, Volkskrant, 22 May 2012
  10. (Dutch) Woordvoerder Sharia4Holland op vrije voeten,, Retrieved 2012-05-30
  11. (Dutch) Politie onderzoekt Sharia4Holland,, Retrieved 2012-05-30
  12. (Dutch) Kamervragen over komst leider Sharia4Belgium,, 22 mei 2012
  13. (Dutch) AIVD bezorgd over radicaal Sharia4Holland, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 09 dec 2011
  14. (Dutch) Politici vrezen geweld radicale moslimgroep, Algemeen Dagblad 9 dec 2011