Shapiro inequality

In mathematics, the Shapiro inequality is an inequality proposed by H. Shapiro in 1954.

Statement of the inequality

Suppose n is a natural number and x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n are positive numbers and:

Then the Shapiro inequality states that

\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{x_i}{x_{i+1}+x_{i+2}} \geq \frac{n}{2}

where x_{n+1}=x_1, x_{n+2}=x_2.

For greater values of n the inequality does not hold and the strict lower bound is \gamma \frac{n}{2} with \gamma \approx 0.9891\dots.

The initial proofs of the inequality in the pivotal cases n = 12 (Godunova and Levin, 1976) and n = 23 (Troesch, 1989) rely on numerical computations. In 2002, P.J. Bushell and J.B. McLeod published an analytical proof for n = 12.

The value of γ was determined in 1971 by Vladimir Drinfeld, who won a Fields Medal in 1990. Specifically, Drinfeld showed that the strict lower bound γ is given by \frac{1}{2} \psi(0), where ψ is the function convex hull of f(x) = ex and g(x) = \frac{2}{e^x+e^{\frac{x}{2}}}. (That is, the region above the graph of ψ is the convex hull of the union of the regions above the graphs of f and g.)

Interior local mimima of the left-hand side are always  n/2 (Nowosad, 1968).

Counter-examples for higher n

The first counter-example was found by Lighthill in 1956, for n = 20:

x_{20} = (1+5\epsilon,\ 6\epsilon,\ 1+4\epsilon,\ 5\epsilon,\ 1+3\epsilon,\ 4\epsilon,\ 1+2\epsilon,\ 3\epsilon,\ 1+\epsilon,\ 2\epsilon,\ 1+2\epsilon,\ \epsilon,\ 1+3\epsilon,\ 2\epsilon,\ 1+4\epsilon,\ 3\epsilon,\ 1+5\epsilon,\ 4\epsilon,\ 1+6\epsilon,\ 5\epsilon) where \epsilon is close to 0.

Then the left-hand side is equal to 10 - \epsilon^2 + O(\epsilon^3), thus lower than 10 when \epsilon is small enough.

The following counter-example for n = 14 is by Troesch (1985):

x_{14} = (0, 42, 2, 42, 4, 41, 5, 39, 4, 38, 2, 38, 0, 40) (Troesch, 1985)


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