Shahrukh of Shirvan

Shah of Shirvan
Reign 1535-1539
Coronation 1535
Predecessor Khalilullah II
Full name
Shahrukh ibn Farrukh Yassar
House House of Shirvanshah
Father Farrukh Yassar II
Born 1520
Died 1539
Religion Sunni

Shahrukh - 43rd shah of Shirvan. He is last known Shirvanshah.


He was invited by local nobility after death of Khalilullah II to throne.[1][2][3][4] His reign saw rebellion of "Fake Sultan Muhammad" who claimed to be son of Ibrahim II Sheykhshah. Rebellion was successful earlier, they even captured Shamakhy but long war triggered loss of faith in cause and they were crushed by shah after several days. Shahrukh was 17 and ruling under shadows of local noble-regents, this caused unrest in Shirvan and minor nobles under leadership of Gorchubashi Padar demanded an intervention from Tahmasp I.[5] Meanwhile Shahrukh wrote a letter to Suleiman the Magnificent, demanding protection in return of swearing fealty.


In 1538, huge army under leadership of Alqas Mirza invaded Shirvan and besieged "Bugurt" castle. Shah resisted against Safavids for 9 months, he was aided by Darvish Mohammed Khan. Tahmasp bribed local nobles and forced Shahrukh to make peace. Shahrukh was imprisoned and taken to Tabriz where he was executed secretly in 1539. Shirvan was annexed to Safavid Empire.

  1. Hasan Rumlu, p.272-273
  2. Tarikhi Jannabi, v.961a
  3. Mюнeджим-бaши, c.l74
  4. Xurşah. Tarixi-İlçiye Nizamşah, c.60.
  5. Iskandar Munshi, Tarikhi Alam Ara, p 60
Shahrukh of Shirvan
Born: 1520 Died: 1539
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Khalilullah II
Succeeded by
Safavid Empire
Preceded by
Khalilullah II
Pretender to throne of Shirvanshahs
Succeeded by
Burhan Ali