Shadow Cabinet of Michael Howard

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The Shadow Cabinets appointed by Michael Howard, a Conservative, are listed below.

Shadow Cabinet (11 November 2003 – 15 March 2004)

Junior Shadow Ministers

Michael Howard Shadow Cabinet reshuffle, 15 March 2004

There was a minor reshuffle of the Shadow Cabinet due to the stepping down of Rt. Hon. David Curry MP as Shadow Secretary of State for Local and Devolved Government Affairs

Shadow Cabinet (15 March 2004 – 14 June 2004)

Junior Shadow Ministers

Shadow Cabinet (15 March 2004 – 6 May 2005)

Junior Shadow Ministers

Shadow Cabinet (6 May 2005 - 5 December 2005)

Portfolio Shadow Minister
Leader of the Conservative Party
Leader of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition
The Rt Hon Michael Howard QC MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Defence
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
The Rt Hon Michael Ancram QC MP
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Dr Liam Fox MP
Shadow Secretary of State for the Home Department The Rt Hon David Davis MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs Oliver Heald MP
Shadow Leader of the House of Commons Chris Grayling MP
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords The Rt Hon The Lord Strathclyde PC
Shadow Secretary of State for Trade and Industry David Willetts MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Education and Skills David Cameron MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Alan Duncan MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Health Andrew Lansley CBE MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs The Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP
Shadow Secretary of State for the Family
Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
The Rt Hon Theresa May MP
Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchell MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Deregulation The Rt Hon John Redwood MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind KCMG QC MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Local Government Affairs and Communities Caroline Spelman MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland David Lidington MP
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Philip Hammond MP
Opposition Chief Whip The Rt Hon David Maclean MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP
Other posts on the opposition frontbench
Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland
Shadow Minister for Women and Equality
Eleanor Laing
Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Bill Wiggin
Deputy Chief Whip Patrick McLoughlin
Shadow Attorney General for England and Wales Dominic Grieve
Shadow Minister for Local Government Eric Pickles
Shadow Minister for London Mark Field
Shadow Minister for Energy Bernard Jenkin
Shadow Minister for Business & Consumer Affairs Charles Hendry
Shadow Minister for Homeland Security Patrick Mercer OBE
Other posts at Conservative Headquarters
Deputy Chairman Raymond Monbiot CBE
Deputy Chairman (Candidates) Andrew MacKay
Vice-Chairmen (Campaigning) Andrew Turner, Andrew Rosindell
Vice-Chairmen (Business) Kay Coleman
Vice-Chairmen (Conservatives Direct) Jennie Elias
Vice-Chairmen (Conservatives Abroad) Nigel Evans
Vice-Chairmen (Candidates) Baroness Morris of Bolton OBE

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