Shadow Cabinet of Malcolm Turnbull

The Shadow Cabinet of Australia (also known as the Opposition Front Bench) is a group of senior Opposition spokespeople who form an alternative cabinet to the government's, whose members "shadow" or "mark" each individual member of the government. Malcolm Turnbull defeated Brendan Nelson in the Liberal Party's 2008 leadership election 45 votes to 41, making Turnbull Opposition Leader. Turnbull announced his Shadow Cabinet on 22 September 2008.[1] It was reshuffled on 16 February when Julie Bishop stepped down from the role of Shadow Treasury.[2] The Shadow Cabinet of Malcolm Turnbull was replaced by the Shadow Cabinet of Tony Abbott in December 2009 following the 2009 leadership election.

Members of the Shadow Cabinet (2008–2009)

Portfolio Shadow Minister
Leader of the Opposition   Malcolm Turnbull
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs
  Julie Bishop
Shadow Treasurer   Julie Bishop
Joe Hockey
Shadow Minister for Trade, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Leader of the Nationals
  Warren Truss
Shadow Minister for Broadband Communications and Digital Economy
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
  Nick Minchin
Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
  Eric Abetz
Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and COAG
Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader on Emissions Trading Design
  Andrew Robb
Shadow Minister for Finance, Competition Policy and Deregulation
Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate
  Helen Coonan
Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy
Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Northern Australia
  Ian Macfarlane
Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and the Voluntary Sector   Tony Abbott 1
Shadow Special Minister of State
Shadow Cabinet Secretary
  Michael Ronaldson
Shadow Minister for Human Services
Deputy Leader of the Nationals
  Nigel Scullion
Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Water   Greg Hunt
Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing   Peter Dutton
Shadow Minister for Defence   David Johnston
Manager of Opposition Business in the House
Shadow Minister for Education, Apprenticeships and Training
  Christopher Pyne
Shadow Attorney-General   George Brandis
Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry   John Cobb
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations   Michael Keenan
Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship   Sharman Stone
Shadow Minister for Small Business, Independent Contractors, Tourism and the Arts   Steven Ciobo

1 Tony Abbott, Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz quit the Coalition front bench on 26 November 2009.[3][4]

See also


External links