Seymore D. Fair

Seymore D. Fair
First appearance June 1, 1983
Created by 1984 Louisiana World Exposition
Aliases Seymour D. Fair
Species White Pelican
Gender Male
Family Critters

Seymore D. Fair is a funny animal cartoon & costumed character who was the official mascot of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition. An anthropomorphic white pelican, Seymore typically wears a blue tuxedo jacket, large top hat, spats, and white gloves, Seymore became one of the most recognizable World's Fair mascot characters in the modern age of Exposition & World's Fairs. He had the distinction of being the first-ever mascot in the history of World Expositions.[1]

Together with his best friend Pepe' la Gator,[2] they traveled the world promoting the New Orleans World's Fair. Seymore stumped all over Europe and once while in France he was escorted out of the Louvre for being too 'spectacular.' He made a big splash at the 1984 Republican National Convention with George H. W. Bush, then Vice-President of the United States[3][4] and interacted with numerous Chiefs of State.[5][6][7] Once while visiting the White House in Washington DC, he entertained dignitaries including the wives of Russian Diplomats.

How Mr. Pelican Got His Name

For the first 10 months of his existence he was referred to as Mr. Pelican. It wasn't until fair management teamed up with a local convenience store chain, that a naming effort was undertaken. So began the ‘contest’, which resulted in over 18,000 name submissions.

Mr.Pelican Gets His Name

Judges included local famous folks like Angus Lind and Bob Marshall of the States Item to name a few. These judges poured over 6.5 pounds of paper print-outs that included names such as Crazy-Laid-Back Fred, Puddin Pus, and Valdimir. It took over 6 hours for the judges to review all the entries. In the end, it was Seymore D. Fair that ruled the day.

As it pertains to New Orleans, Seymore's name,[8][9] is a derivative of the local Yat dialect referred to as 'yat'. Famous 'yatisums' can be heard throughout the region, from the infamous New Orleans 'hello' greeting of 'Where Y'at', to cheering for the sports teams chanting 'Who Dat?'. Hence, the yat translation of 'See More of the Fair' is 'Seymore D' Fair'...!

Character Actors

Seymore D. Fair, first ever World Expo Mascot.

Several actors were hired to perform as Seymore during the fair. The original actor was none other than Jeff Davis, a Southern Mississippi alumnus who also wore their school mascot for four years prior to his graduation. In 1983, Jeff traveled the world as Seymore promoting the fair and continued through the fair's closing in November 1984.

Advocacy & Education

In addition to his job at the New Orleans World's Fair,[10] Seymore engaged in numerous educational, civic, and community causes, most notably Substance Free Lifestyles, Animal Welfare, and Positive Behavior programs. In 1986 he and his Critter friends performed with First Lady Nancy Reagan in the national "Just Say No' Rally held in the Louisiana Superdome.

Inspired by the First Lady's anti-drug campaign, Seymore & the Critters joined forces with local law enforcement agencies in 1986 to produce a drug education program titled "Critters & Kids Just Say NO to Drugs".[11] The two-part program consisted of a 45 minute live theater presentation and a post program classroom teaching unit. Approximately 100 public, private, and parochial schools from the metro New Orleans area participated with 40,000 K-6 students attended the live theater presentation. At that time, Harry Lee Jefferson Parish Sheriff proclaimed that the Critters & Kids Just Say No program was the largest singular drug education effort in Louisiana history.

Honors & Awards

At the close of the fair in November 1984,[12] Seymore was enshrined alongside Dorothy's 'Ruby Slippers' in the Smithsonian Institution.[13] He was also inducted into the New Orleans Historic Collection and the Louisiana State Archives where he is prominently displayed. Last but not least, Seymore and his friends known as the "Critters" were appointed "Ambassadors of Goodwill" for the State of Louisiana by then Governor Edwards.


Seymore D Fair Children's Education Foundation Logo

To foster and support Seymore's community programs, the The Seymore D' Fair Foundation was established in 2015. The Foundation is an organization that supports and offers grants to fund the works and advancement of children’s education efforts throughout the world.

As a national nonprofit advocacy organization for children, the Seymore D’ Fair Foundation is dedicated to promoting empowerment of people, protection of animals and the planet. The foundation focuses its funding on committed, grass roots educational organizations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts and where foundation support will make a significant difference.

See also


  1. Expo Museum
  2. Tour de Fair | March 13, 1984 | Seymore finds a friend
  3. | Wisconsin State Journal | August 22, 1984 | Seymore D. Fair Invades the GOP Convention
  4. | Times Picayune | States Item | September 6, 1984 | Vice President Bush and Seymore Celebrate the Fair
  5. |Time Picayune | States Item | July 1, 1984 | Seymore makes NY Mayor Koch Jealous
  6. | Time Picayune | States Item | April 4, 1984 | Birds of a Feather. New York City Mayor Koch and Seymore
  7. | Times Picayune | States Item | August 24, 1984 | Seymore and Atlanta Mayor Young
  8. |Times Picayune | States Item | October 25, 1983 | Fair's mascot carries message in new name: Seymore D. Fair
  9. | South Carolina Aiken Standard | October 26, 1983 | Fair's mascot gets a name
  10. | Syracuse Herald | May 26, 1984 | A Fair Mascot
  11. | Times Picayune | States Items | April 21, 1987 | Critters and Kids Say No to Drugs
  12. | Times Picayune | States Item | November 11, 1984 | Seymore and the Fair's Final Celebration
  13. | Times Picayune | States Item | November 11, 1984 | Seymore enshrined in Smithsonian Institution

External links