Sergey Minaev

Sergey Minaev (Russian: Сергей Минаев, born January 25, 1975) - Russian writer, radio- and TV-presenter, journalist and wine importer. He is known for his scandalous novels "ДухLess",[1] "The Тёлки", "Media Sapiens".


Minaev graduated the Russian State University for the Humanities at 1998. From 2008 to 2011 he worked on Radio Mayak and presented the broadcast "Танцы с волками" ("Dances With Wolves") and the show "Игры идиотов" (Games Of Idiots) on the Channel A One together with Igor Goncharov.[2] From 2009 to 2012 he worked on the NTV channel and presented the telecast "Честный понедельник" ("Honest Monday"). From 2011 to 2013 he presented the internet show "Mинаев LIVE".[3]


Personal life

Minaev has been married twice and has a daughter from his first marriage and son from his second.


External links