Sequential time

A sequential time is one in which the numbers form a normal sequence, such as 1:02:03 4/5/06 (one hour, two minutes, and three seconds past midnight on April 5, 2006). Short sequential times such as 1:23:45 or 12:34:56 appear every day. Larger sequential times rarely appear, such as 12:34:56 7/8/90, or 01:23:45 on 6/7/89. These times can be dependent on the time format being used; the month/day format will produce different results from the day/month format.

This term, however, is not limited to simple counting. Other sequences, such as the decimal numbers of the mathematical constants π (3/14/1592), e (2/7/1828), and the square root of two (1/4/1421) are also noted. Number sequences such as the Fibonacci sequence (11/23/5813) can also be found in time stamps.

These dates are particularly popular with couples getting married who are seeking unique wedding and anniversary dates. Dates with repeating numbers such as July 7, 2007 "7/7/07" are also popular.[1]

Palindromic times can also be observed, e.g. 10:02:10 on 11/01/2001 was the first fully palindrome time sequence of the twenty-first century.

A sequential time occurred during Pi Day on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53.58979... following the sequence of pi to all digits.[2]

Historical events

See also


  1. Manchir, Michelle (11 December 2014). "Couples drawn to 12-13-14 wedding date". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 13 December 2014.
  2. Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. (October 2014). "Pi Instant". Retrieved 23 October 2014.