Senza cielo

Senza cielo (Without Sky) is a collection of poetry by Menotti Lerro. The book was published in 2006 by Guida editore.[1] In the critical volume[2] The Poetry of Menotti Lerro, Andrew Mangham stressed how "this book achieved cult status for many poets and a number of the same decided to be identified as “Poets without Sky” in a two-volume Anthology[3] edited by Lerro in 2007. In this book, Lerro aimed to present a wide range of poets, some famous, some otherwise, as having a relevant point in common: namely the feeling of being “without sky”, without hope."[4] As the poet confessed in his autobiographical book Augusto Orrel published in 2007, without sky means, among other things, a lack of interior peace:"My teenage years passed in this way, without sky, without any hope in the future, waiting for the horrifying fairy-tale of my father to repeat itself."[5] Since 2012, for the italian publisher Genesi of Turin, he directs the book series "Poeti Senza Cielo"[6]



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