Sense Worldwide

Sense Worldwide
Industry Strategy Consulting
Founded London, United Kingdom 1999
Key people
Jeremy Brown, CEO

Sense Worldwide is a London based co-creation consultancy. In 1999 it started the Sense Network, described as ‘one of the earliest web-based communities’.[1] It was one of the first commercial practitioners of co-creation [2] and Extreme User Research.[3] It has influenced the development of Nike Sportswear [4] and Habbo Hotel among many others.[5] It has received funding from NESTA. Nesta named Sense Worldwide alongside Lego and Google as one of the 'Open 100' companies that pioneered open innovation.[6]


Sense Worldwide has used co-creation in its work from its inception.[7] Its work in this area has caused it to be listed as one of the NESTA Open 100.[8] It has also pioneered the commercial use of extreme user research, building on the Lead User ideas of MIT's Eric von Hippel[9]

Sense Worldwide introduced co-creation techniques to Nike and continues to work with Nike’s running, sportswear and football businesses.[10] It authored the Discovery Channel report into the lives of young men in Europe.,[11] and it contributes to the Economist Intelligence Unit's reports [12] and the Harvard Business Review[13]

SWW’s recent rebranding of the Young Vic Theatre in London resulted in the abandonment of its sit-anywhere policy and its new strapline, “It’s a big world in here” [14]

Sense Worldwide in popular culture

No Wax

In London in 2003 Sense Worldwide launched the first iPod DJ night with NoWax.[15] There was no DJ. Instead dancers took turns to play floor-filling music in the night club.[16] Resources for the event were open sourced, and NoWax nights have been staged in cities from Derby to Singapore and Tokyo.[17]

I Heart My Chair

In 2007 the Sense Network was asked to photograph and write about their favourite place to sit. The resulting book, I Heart my Chair, was widely distributed.[18]


The Financial Times July 2002, Richard Donkin "Give your creativity a chance to run free", London

External links

Sense Worldwide

The Sense Network 2

Sense Worldwide Blog 3

NESTA Open 100