Segre class

In mathematics, the Segre class is a characteristic class used in the study of singular vector bundles. The total Segre class is inverse to the total Chern class, and thus provides equivalent information; the advantage of the Segre class is that it generalizes to singular vector bundles, while the Chern class does not. The Segre class is named after Beniamino Segre.


For a holomorphic vector bundle E over a complex manifold M a total Segre class s(E) is the inverse to the total Chern class c(E), see e.g.[1]

Explicitly, for a total Chern class

c(E) = 1+c_1(E) + c_2(E) + \cdots \,

one gets the total Segre class

s(E) = 1 + s_1 (E) + s_2 (E) + \cdots \,


c_1(E) = -s_1(E), \quad c_2(E) = s_1(E)^2 - s_2(E), \quad \dots, \quad c_n(E) = -s_1(E)c_{n-1}(E) - s_2(E) c_{n-2}(E) - \cdots - s_n(E)

Let  x_1, \dots, x_k be Chern roots, i.e. formal eigenvalues of  \frac{ i \Omega }{ 2\pi} where  \Omega is a curvature of a connection on  E .

While the Chern class s(E) is written as

 c(E)  = \prod_{i=1}^{k} (1+x_i) = c_0 + c_1 + \cdots + c_k \,

where  c_i is an elementary symmetric polynomial of degree  i in variables  x_1, \dots, x_k

the Segre for the dual bundle  E^\vee which has Chern roots  -x_1, \dots, -x_k is written as

 s(E) = \prod_{i=1}^{k} \frac {1} { 1 -  x_i } = s_0 + s_1 + \cdots

Expanding the above expression in powers of  x_1, \dots x_k one can see that s_i (E^\vee) is represented by a complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial of  x_1, \dots x_k


  1. Fulton W. (1998). Intersection theory, p.50. Springer, 1998.