Secret Histories

Secret Histories
Series Doctor Who book:
Bernice Summerfield
Release number
Subject Featuring:
Bernice Summerfield
Publisher Big Finish Productions
Publication date
December 2009
ISBN ISBN 978-1-84435-471-9

Secret Histories is a Big Finish original anthology edited by Mark Clapham, featuring Bernice Summerfield, a character from the spin-off media based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


Title Author
Linking Material Mark Clapham
A Game of Soldiers Lance Parkin
Cooker Island Paul Farnsworth
A Gallery of Pigeons Jim Smith
The Firing Squad Eddie Robson
You Shouldn't Have Cody Schell
The Illuminated Man Mark Michalowski
Redacted Jonathan Dennis
The Song of Old Man Bunyip Richard Freeman
Turn the Light On Nick Wallace

External links