
SearchBlox is a provider and an proprietary enterprise content search engine built on top of Apache Lucene/Solr [1] and Elasticsearch.[2] Its software implements search indexing solutions for Website, eCommerce, Intranet, Twitter, Flat files and database searching. Search capabilities include flexible crawling, metadata indexing, search result customization, multilingual support, reporting, analytics, faceted search, and featured results. Users are provided with simple search customization, integration, and administrative solutions.

SearchBlox external connectors allow one to index Alfresco, CMIS, Documentum (EMC), Databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JDBC supported DBs), FileNet (IBM), LiveLink (OpenText), Meridio (Autonomy), SharePoint, Wiki, Window Shares (Win, Samba, NetApp, other NAS systems). It has the ability to deploy on AWS EC2 featuring automated, semi-automatic and manual deployment methods to set up cloud search on Amazon EC2.[3]


End-user features

Administrator features

Supported file formats

Supported Languages

Arabic Gujarati Polish Bengali Hebrew Portuguese Chinese (Simplified) Hindi Russian Chinese (Traditional) Hungarian Romanian Czech Italian Slovak Danish Japanese Slovenian Dutch Kannada Spanish English Korean Swedish Estonian Latvian Tamil Finnish Lithuanian Telugu French Malayalam Thai German Malayalam Turkish Greek Norwegian

Latest software release

Searchblox Version 8.1 Build 1 was released in October 2014 for Windows, Unix, Mac OS X, War file, WordPress Plugin, Drupal Module, PHP Examples for Rest API. The new 8.1 Build 1 version makes it easy to add faceted search without the hassles of managing a schema and scales horizontally without any manual configuration or external software/scripts. It enables to have distributed indexing and searching abilities without using any separate scripts/programs as in SolrCloud. SearchBlox provides on demand dynamic faceting of fields without specifying them through a config or script.


SearchBlox Software, Inc.[4] was founded in 2003 with the aim to develop commercial search solutions based on Apache Lucene. SearchBlox currently uses Elasticsearch as the underlying search API.


Searchblox Software provides search to over 300 customers in 30 countries. Software supports 37 languages and is available on the Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.


  1. Apache Lucene
  2. Elasticsearch
  3. Amazon Web Services / EC2
  4. SearchBlox Website

External links

  1. Official web site for Searchblox Software
  2. Official web site for Searchblox Help Center
  3. SearchBlox Wiki