
Tortured Souls character
Gender: Male
Race: Cenobite
Significant other(s): Lucidique
Status: Deceased

The Scythe-Meister, a.k.a. The Assassin Transformed, is a fictional character created by Clive Barker for the Tortured Souls toy line. The Scythe-Meister was once a young assassin from the poorest part of Primodium. He enjoyed severely mutilating his victims before killing them. After meeting Lucidique and murdering her father, he decided to ask Agonistes to turn him into a monster. After 8 nights and days, he was resurrected as the Scythe Meister. The Scythe-Meister then proceeded to kill the current emperor of Primodium. Scythe Meister fell in love with the monster Lucidique and they became lovers. He was later killed by Venal Anatomica. He is set to appear in Tortured Souls: Animae Damnatae.[1]
