Scottish Left Review

The Scottish Left Review is a bi-monthly publication of the Scottish left. It was established in 2000 by a number of prominent left-wing figures, including Henry McCubbin, Jimmy Reid, Roseanna Cunningham, and John McAllion. Contributions come from members of all parties of the Scottish left and none.

Its current editorial committee consists of Scottish Green Party politician Mark Ballard, Liberal Democrat Moira Craig, Scottish Socialist Party co-spokesperson Colin Fox, academic and author Gregor Gall, peace activist Isobel Lindsay, Leigh Matthews, former Labour politician John McAllion, Robin McAlpine, former Rector of the University of Edinburgh Peter McColl, and former MEP Henry McCubbin.

In their May/June 2008 edition, the journal claimed issues that the SLR has consistently been raising, are finally becoming mainstream, such as concern about climate change, opposition to wars and nuclear weapons, the problems with PFI, the need for economic regulation and the downsides of economic globalisation.

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