Scott Evertz

Scott Evertz (born in Washington, D.C.) is Senior Vice President at Gibraltar Associates, a strategic PR firm in Washington, DC, where he leads the health policy practice. There he advises pharmaceutical, biotech and not-for-profit clients on communications and governmental relations strategies related to health policy. Previously, he was Vice President for International Affairs, OraSure Technologies. Prior to that, he was the first openly gay director of the Office of National AIDS Policy,[1] first started by Bill Clinton, and was appointed by George W. Bush. He also has served as president of the Wisconsin Log Cabin Republicans, a branch of the largest gay Republican organization in the country, and raised funds for the Wisconsin Right to Life.

Personal life

Evertz is a Roman Catholic who previously worked in resource development for a number of non-profit, faith-based organizations throughout the Midwest. He graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee with degrees in Political Science and Theology. He lives in Washington, DC, but he and his partner maintain their legal residence in Madison, Wisconsin.
