Science and technology in Ukraine

The modern development of science and technology in Ukraine has its beginning in the 18th century, when the Kyiv Mohyla Academy became a noted research center. A great page in Ukraine’s history was the rise Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Its founder was a very talented scientist - Volodymyr Vernadsky.

Notable people

A number of famous people made valuable contributions to Ukraine’s science from its first steps. They were noted historians Antonovych and Hrushevsky, mathematician Boholiubov, botanists Fomin and Kholodny, scientists in medicine Filatov, Yanovsky, Bohomolets and others.

Space science

Ukrainian science achieved great success after World War II. The Ukrainian scientist Korolyov was one of the noted space designers. Ukraine’s scientists developed the “Vulcan” unit for welding in space. Yevhen Paton and his son Boris are well-known all over the world as masters in the field of electric welding.

See also