Science, Education and Learning in Freedom

Science, Education and Learning in Freedom

SELF (Science, Education and Learning in Freedom) is an international project financed by the European Commission which has developed a platform to encourage creative cooperation and the sharing of educational materials and continuous training, paying special attention to free software and open standards. Inspired by the Wikipedia model, the SELF Platform is open to the contributions of all those who would like to bring their knowledge to it, and share this knowledge without restrictions.[1]

Structure of SELF platform

The SELF Platform was initiated by an international consortium of seven partners in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Three universities and four non-profit organizations work closely together to facilitate communities as well as to raise awareness and to contribute to the building of critical mass for the use of free software and open standards.
The SELF is a repository with free educational and training materials on free software and open standards and also an environment for the collaborative creation of new materials.[2]

See also


External links