Santiago Luis Polanco Rodríguez

Santiago Luis Polanco Rodríguez (born June 16, 1961 in Santiago, Dominican Republic age 52) is a Dominican American former drug dealer considered to be the first mass marketer of crack cocaine in United States. Better known by his street name, Yayo, he carries a special distinction among drug dealers, according to experts in the drug trade.[1] Officials from the Drug Enforcement Administration have portrayed him as a calculating and disciplined criminal who organized Dominican, Jamaican and American street dealers into a marketing empire. Law enforcement officials say he was perhaps the richest Dominican drug kingpin in the United States.

DEA crackdown and flight to the Dominican Republic

In 1986, the DEA began an anti-crack campaign in New York, rounding up hundreds of buyers and street sellers, many of whom became informers. They led agents to Polanco-Rodriguez's headquarters at 2400 Webb Avenue and 2623 Sedgwick Avenue, in Kingsbridge Heights, Bronx. There, agents found bulletproof vests, automatic weapons, a gas mask and more than one-hundred thousand empty crack vials. The operation was later believed to have been handed over to the much smaller but more ruthless Valera Brothers Organization along with the Bustamante brothers Hector (July) and his brother Louis. In 1987, US Attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani signed a 58-count Federal indictment charging Polanco-Rodriguez with drug trafficking, later the family moved to Dominican republic along with his 7 children, Catalina Rodriguez, Emlor Rodriguez, Samantha; Lina; Alexis; Kevin; Leon Rodriguez. Sources of the NYPD have discovered Catalina Rodriguez in Georgia, who has changed her name to Carroll Jennings. Leads suspect that she is also a drug overlord just like her father; with a rap sheet of multiple arrests in the Dominican Republic society believes she's smuggling in over 70 kilos a weeks along with her siblings. No evidence has been found.


  1. Krauss, Clifford "Drug Suspect Lives Good Life, Beyond Reach of U.S." The New York Times. Retrieved December 24, 2011