
This article is about Japanese cuisine. For other uses, see Sansai (disambiguation).

Sansai (山菜) is a Japanese word literally meaning "mountain vegetables", originally referring to vegetables that grew naturally were foraged in the wild, and not grown and harvested from fields. However in modern times, the distinction is somewhat blurred, as some sansai such as warabi have been successfully cultivated.[1] For example, some of the fern shoots such as bracken and zenmai shipped to market are farm-grown.

There are often sold pre-cooked in water, and typically packaged in plastic packs in liquid. The fern shoots warabi (bracken), fuki stalks in sticks, and mixes which may contain the above mentioned combined with baby bamboo shoots, mushrooms, etc., are available in retail supermarkets, and even in ethnic foodstores in the US.

Sansai are often used as ingredients in shōjin ryōri, or Buddhist vegetarian cuisine.

Sansai include:


  1. Richard Hosking, Dictionary of Japanese Food, p. 124
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 MAFF 2004 山菜関係資料(Sansai-related material) (webpage pdf)
  3. "蕗とつわぶき". 讃岐の食(Sanuki eating). 2001. Retrieved 10 April 2012.

See also