San Francisco Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor

The San Francisco Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor is one of the awards given by the San Francisco Film Critics Circle to honor the finest achievements in filmmaking.



Year Winner Film Role
2002 Michael Caine The Quiet American Thomas Fowler
2003 Bill Murray Lost in Translation Bob Harris
2004 Paul Giamatti Sideways Miles Raymond
2005 Heath Ledger Brokeback Mountain Ennis del Mar
2006 Sacha Baron Cohen Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Borat Sagdiyev
2007 George Clooney Michael Clayton Michael Clayton
2008 Sean Penn Milk Harvey Milk
Mickey Rourke The Wrestler Randy Robinson
2009 Colin Firth A Single Man George Falconer


Year Winner Film Role
2010 Colin Firth The King's Speech King George VI
2011 Gary Oldman Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy George Smiley
2012 Joaquin Phoenix The Master Freddie Quell
2013 Chiwetel Ejiofor 12 Years a Slave Solomon Northup
2014 Michael Keaton Birdman Riggan Thomson