Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties
The Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties (Dutch for Cooperating Aid Organizations) is a cooperative effort of aid organizations. The organizations work together to give humanitarian aid to people in disaster areas. The SHO cooperatively collects donations and informs to the public.
The SHO had campaigns for Iraq, Bam, Darfur, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, for the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, Birma, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 2010 Pakistan floods and most recently the 2011 Horn of Africa drought.
The participating organizations are:
- ICCO & Kerk in Actie (Church in Action)
- Mensen in Nood / Cordaid (People in Need)
- Dutch Red Cross
- Oxfam Novib
- Stichting Vluchteling (Refugee Foundation)
- Tear Fund
- Terre des Hommes
- Unicef
- World Vision
- Save the Children