Salviati (bankers)

For other people of the same name, see Salviati.
Salviati's coat of arms

The Salviati were a prominent Florentine-Roman family who in the 15th century were bankers to Pope Sixtus IV. They were among those involved in the Pazzi Conspiracy of 1478, a plot to murder the leading members of the Medici family in Florence. One member of the Salviati, the archbishop of Pisa Francesco Salviati, was known to be involved in the plot.

Cassandre Salviati, daughter of Bernardo Salviati (who moved in France with Catherine de' Medici and owned Château de Talcy) was the muse of poet Pierre de Ronsard, and her niece, Diane Salviati - of poet Agrippa d'Aubigné.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to House of Salviati.

The last branch of this family still living is represented by the family Mugnaioni Montegiustia dei Salviati.