Salman Husaini Nadwi

Moulana Syed Salman Husaini Nadwi
Born 1954
Era Modern Era
Region Islamic Scholar
School Deobandi

Allama Syed Salman Al Husaini Al Nadwi is a scholar and professor in the Islamic sciences.[1][2][3][4] He is an author of numerous scholarly works in Arabic and Urdu. Salman Hussaini Nadwi is serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Shariah at the renowned Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama madrasa in Lucknow.[5] Besides these he is also serving as the chairman of the Dr. Abdul Ali Unani Medical College and Hospital, Chancellor of Darul Uloom Syed Ahmad Shaheed – Katoli, President of Jamiat Shabaab ul Islam.[6] He is also a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, member of the court of Aligarh Muslim University, a member of Rabita Adab Islami Alalami, a member of Islamic Fiqh Academy (India) and a member of many other Islamic organisations. In addition, he is a founding member of numerous medical, IT and engineering colleges in India. Shaykh Salman is also the editor and co-editor of thirteen different periodicals in English, Urdu, Persian and Arabic languages published in India and abroad.[1][7]

Early life and education

Moulana Syed Salman Husaini Nadwi was born in 1954, in the city of Lucknow into a noble family of scholars. His lineage can be traced back to the Islamic Prophet through Hussein ibn Ali. His mother is the niece of the great Indian Islamic scholar and thinker Allamah Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi, from whom Moulana benefited greatly.[8]

He began his elementary education at a branch school of Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama where he memorised the Qur'an at an early age. After completing a middle school level education of Islamic studies, he matriculated to a graduate program at the College of Shari'ah and Usul al-Din in Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama. After graduation in 1974 AD, he, alongside a group of other graduates, established the Jam'iat Shabab al-Islam (Muslim Youth Assembly), an organisation that is considered today to be one of the largest and most active Islamic organisations in India.

He completed a masters degree in Hadith (al-Hadith al-Sharif wa 'Ulumuhu) from Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama in 1976 AD. A year later, he was admitted into the College of Usul al-Din at the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University and continued to pursue higher education in the field of Hadith. He received his masters degree in Hadith studies with high recognition in 1980. His dissertation, Jam' Alfaz al-Jarh wa 'l-Ta'dil wa Dirasatuha min Kitab Tahdhib al-Tahdhib li 'l-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, was completed under the supervision of the erudite hadith and usul scholar, 'Allamah 'Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah. Shaykh Salman benefited heavily from Shaykh Abu Ghuddah in the field of hadith studies during his stay at the Jami'ah and was amongst his most distinguished and beloved students.[9]

Work life

Upon his return to India, Maulana was appointed as a lecturer of Hadith at Nadwat al-'Ulama' and later a full-time professor of Hadith. Eventually, he was chosen to be Director of the Faculty of Islamic Law therein, in which capacity he serves today, besides lecturing in Hadith and Tafsir.

Maulana travels extensively throughout the world for the sake of Islam. He has served as a guest lecturer at numerous universities and Islamic institutions in dozens of Muslim and non-Muslim countries around the world. As a representative and now substitute for his indirect grandfather Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi, he has attended many Islamic conferences on a wide variety of topics, delivering fluent Arabic speeches therein.

Maulana has served the Muslim community in India in many ways and in various social, educational and other fields. Amongst his most lasting and significant contributions has been the establishment of the Madrasat al-Imam Ahmad ibn 'Irfan al-Shahid al-Islamiyyah in 1975.[8]

In July 2014, Nadwi stoked a controversy by writing a letter to the Saudi government offering to raise a 500,000 strong militia of Sunni Muslim Indian youth that would be a part of a powerful global Islamic army. The army, he proposed, will fight Shia militants in Iraq, will "help Muslims in need" elsewhere and would become part of a Caliphate that he wants Saudis to set up for the Muslim ummah, the international Muslim community. Recently, he has voiced his support for the Islamic state and it's activities in the middle east.[10][11]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Shaykh Syed Salman Al Hussaini Al Nadwi in Toronto". Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  2. "Delegates and Special Invitees | International Dialogue between Islam and Oriental Religions". Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  3. "Moulana Salman Nadvi visits Jamia Islamia". Bhatkallys. Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  4. "Shaykh Syed Salman al Nadwi coming to Ottawa". 9 December 2011. Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  5. "Interview with a Nadvi Maulana". 20 November 2007. Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  6. "Welcome To Jamiat Al-Shabab Al-Islam". Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  7. "SBA – About Us". Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "Biography". 27 February 2011. Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  9. "Welcome To Jamiat Al-Shabab Al-Islam". Retrieved 2 September 2012.
  10. Suroor, Hasan. "Daft and dangerous: Muslim scholar's plan for a militia to fight global jihad". July 2014.
  11. "'Recruit Sunnis for a Powerful Global Islamic Army to Fight Shias and Help Muslims in Need; Five Lakh Brave Indian Youth Will Be Provided': Maulana Salman Nadvi to Saudi Government". New Age Islam. Retrieved 25 July 2014.

External links