Saiva Vellalar

Saiva Vellalar is a Tamil community in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Saiva Vellalars often use the title of Mudaliar in the northern part of the state and Pillai in the southern part, thus giving rise to the alternate names of Saiva Mudaliars and Saiva Pillais.They all held a very high position in the society and enjoyed. a very high social. status. As said by bhagwan sri Krishna in 18 th chapter of Bhagavat Gita "krushi korakshya vaanijyam vaishya karma swabavajam "which means that "agriculture and business were the karmas allotted for vysyas " .Saiva pillai's main duty was agriculture which clearly denotes saiva pillai were vysyas.They were the landlords of those days and we're TRUE SAIVATE FOLLOWERS and too much devoted to lord SHIVA so all of them always strike with vibhuti in their forehead and its a mandatory for all saiva's to undertake "SHIVA DHIKSHA " during their old age.All of them were well versed with holy hymns of DHEVAARAM and THIRUVASHAKAM.

Initially the title "Pillai"was used only by this community and later it was spreaded and used by many communities .
