Saimum Series
Saimum Series (Bengali: সাইমুম সিরিজ) written by Abul Asad is a popular novel series of Bangladesh. Asad started the series on 1976 with “Operation in Tel Aviv”. The series is a informative and educative based thriller.
Ahmad Musa is the main character of Saimum Series. We come to know about his past in the first book of the series. He once had a family. He used to live with them in Sinkiang, a state of China. As they were Muslims, they were attacked by China Military. Many people died in there and many people fled out of Sinkiang. But many people including his parents, brother died on the way. At first they decided to cross the border of China and go to Tibet. But they found that the Tibetan border is sealed. So they decided to go to Afghanistan crossing Himalaya. When they crossed the ice-covered Himalaya, only 850 persons of them were alive among the fifty-thousand people.
Then we are introduced to his new identity : he is the most discussed person and the headache of the imperialistic power, the central gem of Saimum, an organization working for oppressed people and against the imperialistic power. He is also a preacher of Islam, the religion of peace. He believes in Allah more than anyone else and does his best do the duty that Allah gave us. Sometimes he risks his life in order to do his duty. Some of his great contributions are:
He also went to Thailand, Armenia, Germany, Polynesian Islands to save the oppressed people and he is still working for them. He was at first engaged to Fatima Farhana, but she died by shooting. Then he was married to Maily Guly, who also died by shooting to save Ahmad Musa from being killed. Then he was married to Maria Josephine, an heir to the French Luis family. They had a child named Ahmad Abdullah. Recently Maria Josephine and Ahmad Abdullah have been kidnapped in America.
Published books
Published books of Saimum Series are—
- Operation in Tel Aviv-1 (Bengali: অপারেশন তেলআবিব-১)
- Operation in Tel Aviv-2 (Bengali: অপারেশন তেলআবিব-২)
- Prisoners of Mindanao (Bengali: মিন্দানাওয়ের বন্দী)
- Howling of Pamir (Bengali: পামিরের আর্তনাদ)
- Bloody Pamir (Bengali: রক্তাক্ত পামির)
- Beyond Bloody Sea (Bengali: রক্ত সাগর পেরিয়ে)
- The Other Side of Tian Shan (Bengali: তিয়েনশানের ওপারে)
- From Sing-kiang to Caucasus (Bengali: সিংকিয়াং থেকে ককেশাস)
- Hills of Caucasus (Bengali: ককেশাসের পাহাড়ে)
- Tears of Balkans (Bengali: বলকানের কান্না)
- In the country of Danube (Bengali: দানিয়ুবের দেশে)
- Tears of Córdoba (Bengali: কর্ডোভার অশ্রু)
- In the Steppe of Andalusia (Bengali: আন্দালুসিয়ার প্রান্তরে)
- New Currents of Guadalquivir (Bengali: গোয়াদেলকুইভারে নতুন স্রোত)
- Again Sing-kiang (Bengali: আবার সিংকিয়াং )
- The Heavy Clouds of Middle Asia (Bengali: মধ্য এশিয়ায় কালো মেঘ)
- Gurgling of Black Cross (Bengali: ব্ল্যাক ক্রসের কবলে)
- Chasing Black Cross (Bengali: ব্ল্যাক ক্রসের মুখোমুখি)
- Cross and Crescent (Bengali: ক্রস এবং ক্রিসেন্ট)
- In the Dark Africa (Bengali: অন্ধকার আফ্রিকায়)
- In the Black Land of Congo (Bengali: কঙ্গোর কালো বুকে)
- Invisible Fear (Bengali: অদৃশ্য আতঙ্ক)
- Cycle of Kingdom (Bengali: রাজচক্র)
- Treasure of Czar (Bengali: জারের গুপ্তধন)
- On the Other Side of Atlantic (Bengali: আটলান্টিকের ওপারে)
- In the Island of Caribbean (Bengali: ক্যারিবিয়ানের দ্বীপদেশে )
- In the Bank of Mississippi (Bengali: মিসিসিপির তীরে)
- In the Darkness of America (Bengali: আমেরিকার এক অন্ধকারে)
- Another War in America (Bengali: আমেরিকায় আরেক যুদ্ধ)
- A New World (Bengali: এক নিউ ওয়ার্ল্ড)
- Free America (Bengali: ফ্রি আমেরিকা)
- Goodbye of Octopus (Bengali: অক্টোপাশের বিদায়)
- Crisis of Suriname (Bengali: সুরিনামের সংকটে)
- Mafia in Suriname (Bengali: সুরিনামে মাফিয়া)
- New Gulag (Bengali: নতুন গুলাগ)
- Gulag Operation (Bengali: গুলাগ অভিযান)
- From Gulag to Twin Tower (Bengali: গুলাগ থেকে টুইনটাওয়ার)
- Destroyed Tower (Bengali: ধ্বংস টাওয়ার)
- Beneath of Destroyed Tower (Bengali: ধ্বংস টাওয়ারের নীচে)
- In the Black Water of Andaman (Bengali: কালাপানির আন্দামানে)
- Conspiracy of Andaman (Bengali: আন্দামান ষড়যন্ত্র)
- Underwater Hill (Bengali: ডুবো পাহাড় )
- In the Green Forest of Pattani (Bengali: পাত্তানীর সবুজ অরণ্যে)
- Terrorism of Black Eggle (Bengali: ব্লাক ঈগলের সন্ত্রাস)
- The Call of Bosphorus (Bengali: বসফরাসের আহ্বান)
- In Rumelihisarı Fortress (Bengali: রোমেলি দুর্গে)
- Explosion of Bosphorus (Bengali: বসফরাসে বিস্ফোরণ)
- Behind the Mount Ararat (Bengali: মাউন্ট আরারাতের আড়ালে)
- Anatolia in Danger (Bengali: বিপদে আনাতোলিয়া)
- Search For an Island (Bengali: একটি দ্বীপের সন্ধানে)
- In Dangerous Island of Pacific (Bengali: প্যাসেফিকের ভয়ঙ্কর দ্বীপে)
- Clone Conspiracy (Bengali: ক্লোন ষড়যন্ত্র)
- From Rhine to Arendsee (Bengali: রাইন থেকে অ্যারেন্ডসী)
- Again in America (Bengali: আবার আমেরিকায়)
- Death Valley (Bengali: ডেথ ভ্যালী)
- In Boundary of Armenia(Publishable) (Bengali: আর্মেনিয়া সীমান্তে (প্রকাশিতব্য))
Unicode project
Saimum Series Unicode Project have launched to bring out Saimum Series in Unicode Bengali. Now almost all the books have been brought out in Unicode.[1]
Translation project
Saimum Translate, a volunteer group was formed to translate and proof-check Saimum Series. Currently they are translating the first book of Saimum Series (Operation in Tel Aviv 01).