Sailing at the 1976 Summer Olympics – Flying Dutchman

Flying Dutchman
at the Games of the XXI Olympiad

Flying Dutchman
DatesJuly 31 to August 8
Competitors40 from 20 nations
   West Germany
   Great Britain
Sailing at the
 1976 Summer Olympics 
Finn Open
470 Open
Flying Dutchman Open
Tornado Open
Tempest Open
Soling Open

The Flying Dutchman was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1976 Summer Olympics program in Kingston, Ontario . Seven races were scheduled. 40 sailors, on 20 boats, from 20 nations competed.


Helmsman (Country) Crew Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
1st  Jörg Diesch  (FRG) Eckart Diesch 2 3.0 3 5.7 2 3.0 2 3.0 16 22.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 56.7 34.7
2nd  Rodney Pattisson  (GBR) Julian Brooke Houghton 1 0.0 2 3.0 4 8.0 3 5.7 18 24.0 12 18.0 11 17.0 75.7 51.7
3rd  Reinaldo Conrad  (BRA) Peter Ficker 8 14.0 9 15.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 76.1 52.1
4  Hans Fogh  (CAN) Evert Bastet 5 10.0 6 11.7 5 10.0 13 19.0 3 5.7 4 8.0 6 11.7 76.1 57.1
5  Vladimir Leontiev  (URS) Valerii Zubanov 3 5.7 11 17.0 6 11.7 5 10.0 9 15.0 11 17.0 1 0.0 76.4 59.4
6  Norman Freeman  (USA) John Mathias 6 11.7 13 19.0 9 15.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 1 0.0 12 18.0 84.7 65.7
7  Alejandro Abascal  (ESP) Jose Benavides 11 17.0 1 0.0 RET 26.0 1 0.0 11 17.0 18 24.0 4 8.0 92.0 66.0
8  Yves Pajot  (FRA) Marc Pajot 4 8.0 5 10.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 15 21.0 7 13.0 7 13.0 93.0 72.0
9  Mark Bethwaite  (AUS) Timothy Alexander 10 16.0 15 21.0 13 19.0 9 15.0 5 10.0 6 11.7 2 3.0 95.7 74.7
10  Stefan Sjostrom  (SWE) Reine Andersson 13 19.0 4 8.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 95.0 76.0
11  Joerg Hotz  (SUI) André Nicolet 9 15.0 7 13.0 11 17.0 10 16.0 10 16.0 2 3.0 10 16.0 96.0 79.0
12  Jock Bilger  (NZL) Murray Ross 7 13.0 8 14.0 1 0.0 15 21.0 12 18.0 13 19.0 17 23.0 108.0 85.0
13  Ernst Seidl  (AUT) Johann Eisl 15 21.0 10 16.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 2 3.0 16 22.0 15 21.0 114.0 92.0
14  Erik Vollebregt  (NED) Sjoerd Vollebregt DSQ 28.0 14 20.0 3 5.7 DSQ 28.0 7 13.0 10 16.0 9 15.0 125.7 97.7
15  Uwe Steingross  (GDR) Jörg Schramme 16 22.0 17 23.0 15 21.0 14 20.0 6 11.7 9 15.0 14 20.0 132.7 109.7
16  Carlo Croce  (ITA) Luciano Zinali 17 23.0 12 18.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 14 20.0 14 20.0 13 19.0 137.0 114.0
17  Yoel Sela  (ISR) Jehuda Mayan 12 18.0 16 22.0 17 23.0 DSQ 28.0 13 19.0 15 21.0 16 22.0 153.0 125.0
18  Takumi Horiuchi  (JPN) Kazuo Hanaoka 14 20.0 18 24.0 10 16.0 17 23.0 19 25.0 19 25.0 18 24.0 157.0 132.0
19  Barry O'Neill  (IRL) James Wilkinson 19 25.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 16 22.0 RET 26.0 17 23.0 19 25.0 168.0 142.0
20  Javier Prieto  (MEX) Javier Ruiz Galindo 18 24.0 DNF 26.0 19 25.0 18 24.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 RET 26.0 174.0 148.0

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified, PMS = Premature Start, YMP = Yacht Materially Prejudiced
= Male, = Female

Daily standings

Graph showing the daily standings in the Flying Dutchman during the 1976 Summer Olympics


  1. The 1976 Olympic scoring system was used.
  2. Total after applying discard.
