Sahrawi legislative election, 2012

The most recent election for the Sahrawi National Council took place between 19 February and 21 February 2012. The candidates competed for the seats of the Sahrawi National Council, which is the unicameral legislature of the partially recognized Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. The election was only held in the so-called Free Zone as well as in the Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria, the rest of Western Sahara being under the de facto administration of Morocco. The election was held after the 13th Congress of the Polisario Front, which took place two months earlier between 15 December and 22 December 2011.[1] The percentage of young people in the new Council stood at 42%, while women gained 25% of seats. Khatri Adduh was reelected Speaker of the Council on 28 February 2012.[2]

See also
