Saga Musical Instruments

Saga Musical Instruments is a manufacturer and wholesale distributor of stringed instruments, particularly fretted instruments and members of the violin family, and parts and accessories for them. They currently own twenty-two brands, fifteen are listed below.

Their brands include:


The Blueridge brand are Chinese-built and have won much praise from publications such as Guitarist Magazine, Total Guitar and Music Maker for quality and affordability. The company specializes in historic and pre-war reproductions that are used by many folk and bluegrass players. Endorsed by UK bluesman Martin Harley, two Blueridge models were used to break the world record for the highest gig ever played.

Played by Melvin Goins, Ralph Stantley, Larry Sparks and many more.[1]

Families of Instruments

Guitar Family brands include: Blueridge, Regal, Gitane, Trinity College, Durango, Valencia, Cigano, J. Navarro, Bristol and Gladiator.

Mandolin Family brands include: Kentucky, Rover, and Trinity College.

Banjo Family brands include: Gold Star, Rover, and Saga.

Violin Family brands include: Cremona, Anton Breton, and J. La Salle.

Folk Instruments brands include: Mahalo, Hamano, and Trinity College.


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