
The non-governmental organization Saferworld was founded in 1989, has its headquarters in London and has been one of the dominant contributors of the enactment of the Arms Trade Treaty. The organization seeks to improve safety and community security from violent conflicts in regions all over the world. They have a sharp focus on human rights and well-being; promoting peace, fulfillment, and prevention of armed conflict (namely with handguns and light arms).[1]

Because Saferworld places such a heavy focus on humanitarian efforts, much of their involvement includes obtaining research and conducting specific analyses on current conflicts. One of the main objectives of the organization is to enhance the power and influence of individuals, by encouraging vocalization of grievances and social injustices. The non-governmental organization achieves this through careful analysis of conflicts within regions and arranging sit-down discussions between stakeholders. Saferworld promotes resilience within communities and understands that not all aid can assist regions in the most beneficial form.[1] Therefore, the organization also analyzes current aid to assess whether the assistance is having the desired effect, and develops means of improvement that are unique to each circumstance.

Saferworld addresses many community-based issues through in-depth analysis and objective examination. One of the organization’s strengths is its ability to delve into conflicts, rather than scraping the surface and gauging assistance on an underdeveloped perspective. One of the most dominating objectives is peacemaking between violent regions, through the development of security and justice sectors and conflict-sensitive development.[1] This means that the organization identifies the context of aided areas and understands the nature of how aid will impact any volatile political structures, to ensure the effectiveness and sensitivity of the external influence. Another issue that consumes much of Saferworld’s resources is global arms transfers. Having promoted the Arms Trade Treaty since its origin in 1996, Saferworld is determined to take action against accessible small arms through smuggling between neighboring states.[2] Finally, Saferworld takes special interest in understanding how conflicts affect women, children, and other demographics.[1] The organization posts general job listings for various regions, and the region-specified administrative staff determine the employees.

See also

External links

Saferworld's website


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Saferworld: Preventing Violent Conflict. Building Safer Lives. 2014. Saferworld. 2 October 2014.
  2. Kirham, Elizabeth. “Arms Trade Treaty becomes international law.” Saferworld. 24 September 2014. Saferworld. 2 October 2014.