
Sàdika is a left tributary of the Vrbanja river in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It rises on the north-eastern slopes of Zastinje Mountain (1230 m), at 1000 meters above sea level. His mouth is below the village Gigovići, close to local road Kotor VarošŠiprage, at 496 meters above sea level.

Its mouth is below Gigovići village, by the local road Kotor VarošŠiprage, on 496 metres above see level. Sadika is short river and arising by fusion the two no-named creeks which streams are on the wooded slopes of surroundings mountains. Its mouth is on 496 meters above see level.[1][2]

Sadika has no major inflow streams. Its length is a few miles. During 1960th, on this river there were four water-mills.

Around Sadika's upper flow, there is the ladge Sadika Wood, which is exploated since Austro-Hungarian age (18781918) to modern times. Around meadflow of tis river trere vere a few baracs for woodsmen housing.


  1. Vojnogeografski institut, Ed. (1955): Travnik (List karte 1:100.000, Izohipse na 20 m). Vojnogeografski institut, Beograd.
  2. Spahić M. et al. (2000): Bosna i Hercegovina (1:250.000). Izdavačko preduzeće „Sejtarija“, Sarajevo.

See also