SOTA Mapping Project

SOTA Mapping Project logo

SOTA Mapping Project (SMP) is a website offering mapping resources for radio amateurs participating in the Summits On The Air (SOTA) awards program. It aims to provide comprehensive mapping information in graphical form based on Google Maps, on summits included in the program; both for participants in the program and for the general user.

The site is built and maintained by a small group of radio amateurs with interests in SOTA, hill walking and mountaineering, mapping and open source programming.


The site has five main mapping pages, each providing different sets of functionality.

Main page

This is the page most often used, since it is referenced directly by links from each of the SOTAWatch Summit pages.[1] In addition to being able to view various SOTA Associations, Regions and individual summits, the page offers the exporting or downloading of such data in GPX (for import into a GPS device) or KML (for importing into Google Earth) formats.

Range page

The Range page provides tools with which the user can perform various distance-measurement tasks. The most often used of these is the "range" facility itself - the user can input a central location in one of several forms - latitude/longitude, Maidenhead ("Grid") Locator, or an address or place-name - and will be presented with a map showing which SOTA summits lie within a (user-defined) distance from that location. Export of data for the summits so found is also provided.

Tracks page

The Tracks Page allows the user to view, draw, or upload tracks or walking routes leading to SOTA summits. The three main sets of options are:

Export of tracks data for the summits is also provided.

Activations page

The Activations Page allows the user to view his/her own, or others', SOTA activations displayed both on the map and in tabular form. At the time of writing (4th January 2014), this page is in test phase.

Spots page

Presents the latest SOTAWatch Spots[2] - data are refreshed once every minute. Each Spot as it arrives is presented in the listview on the right-hand side of the main map. Clicking on an entry in the list will cause the map to navigate to the summit mentioned in the Spot and an information window will open, listing all Spots reported for that summit within the time-frame of the query.

Additional mapping tools

Each of the five mapping pages, in addition to their specific functionality, also feature a set of map tools common to all. These are situated at the top of the map area in each of the mapping pages.


  1. "SOTAWatch Summit pages". Retrieved 2014-01-05.
  2. "SOTAWatch Spots". Retrieved 2014-01-05.
  3. "Open Cycle Maps". Retrieved 2014-01-05.

External links