SMS Muar

SMS Muar
"Berilmu Berbakti"
to have knowledge, to serve
Type Public Secondary School,
Boarding School
Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi
Sekolah Berasrama Penuh
Established 31 May 1983
School district Ledang
Grades Form 4 and Form 5 only (16 and 17 years old)
Number of students approximately 650 to 700
Classrooms Arif, Azam, Bijak, Cekal, Cerdik, Cerdas, Cekap, Dinamik, Gigih, Jaya, Maju, Tegas, Pintar, and Teguh


Blue White Red Yellow
Slogan SAMURA namamu sentiasa terjulang
Newspaper Samura Post
Yearbook Legacy
Affiliations Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Ministry of Education (Malaysia)
House System     Bestari

Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar, or simply known as SAMURA or SMS Muar or "Sains Muar," is a full boarding public residential school (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) in Ledang, Johor, Malaysia. It is the only government-funded school in the Ledang district bearing the title Science School. It is among six SBPs that only receive Upper Form students. In 2011,the school was awarded with the Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi or High Performance School[1] title, awarded to schools in Malaysia that have met stringent criteria including academic achievement, strength of alumni, international recognition, network and linkages. Their performance in the recent 2012's Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination is GPS of 1.43.[2]


The school was established on 31 May 1983 in Tanjung Agas, Muar, Johor, on a 42-acre (170,000 m2) site. 204 first-former students registered that day. In the following month, a second group of 421 students under the sponsorship of Malaysian Department of Civil Service registered to undergo TOEFL preparation course for overseas universities. A third group of students, consisting of 175 fourth-former students, registered on 1 September 1983.

The school no longer enrolls first formers. Beginning in 1988, it has only accepted fourth formers, except for a period from 1991 to 1994 when it received upper and lower sixth formers.

In 1992, the school achieved a 100% grade one result in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian Certificate of Education). From 1995 until May 2000, the school has been chosen to provide a matriculation programme for Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Since then, the school has only fourth and fifth formers.

From 2005 until 2009, SAMURA achieved no. 1 ranks for SPM examinations in Johor school for four consecutive years, beating other SBP schools like Sekolah Tun Fatimah and Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor.

In 2010, after the redrawing of districts, SAMURA was classified as a school within the newly declared district of Ledang and no longer under the administration of Muar district. In education administration, Ledang and Muar are under the same management.


Janji kami pada negara dan bangsa
Menunaikan khidmat dan jasa
Berilmu Berbakti amalan semua
Mencapai cita-cita
Restui kami dari ibu dan bapa
Semoga kami berjaya
Bergerak melangkah
Berjuang bersama
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Kamilah pelita alam semesta
Tunas pemimpin negara
Pelopor pada kemajuan pembangunan
SMS mengorak langkah
Doa kami pada Allah yang Esa
Menyanjung segala usaha
Menuju ke arah matlamat utama
Berusaha akan berjaya
Our promise to the nation and its people
To fulfill our service and deeds
To have knowledge and to serve is the practice of all
Achieving the goal
Blessings from our mothers and fathers
So we may succeed
Moving by steps
Striving together
For the country and its people
We are the light of the universe
The budding leaders
Pioneers in the development and progress
SMS is moving forward
Our prayers to Allah the Almighty
Praised all the effort
Towards the main goal
Strive to be successful

Motto legacy

Others stride, we charge
Others hesitate, we proceed
Others retreat, we advance
Others fail, we triumph
Others succeed, we excel.
Bold and brave we are
Not followers but leaders
Not dependent, but depended on
We are the students of SMS Muar
We are the best


The school is off the main road that connects the city of Muar and Tangkak, where it is easy to contact. In front there is a Muslim cemetery, Shell and Petronas petrol stations, and commercial areas such as home stores and supermarkets. The school has a beautiful garden area complete infrastructure facilities. Recently, a lecture hall and computer lab was almost completed near the main hall.

Former students

Alumni SAMURA was registered as a registered organisation on 1 July 2004 under the Registrar of Societies.

Former students include:

External links


Coordinates: 2°03′N 102°33′E / 2.050°N 102.550°E