SESAM (Super Element Structural Analysis Modules) is a software package for structural engineering analysis based on the superelement technique of the Finite Element Method.
SESAM consists of different modules used for structural analysis.
GENIE Its used for modeling of structure.Beam and plate elements can be used for modeling.
WAJAC It calculate the wave load on structure. WAJAC is good for slender members (morison elements).
WADAM It also calculates the wave load on structure. WADAM is good for plate member (Non morision elements).
PRESEL Superelement assembly is done in PRESEL.
SESTRA Used for linear solving.
SESSTRAGAP Used for contact/gap analysis.
SESAM is developed in Norway by DNV Software (DNV Software), with a focus in the solution of structural engineering problems for the offshore and maritime industries. It has been used by the offshore industry in the North Sea for more than 40 years.
External links
- DNV Software - Official website.
- Troll A Platform - The largest gravity-based concrete structure ever to be built and installed offshore is designed with SESAM.