S2P (complexity)

In computational complexity theory, SP
is a complexity class, intermediate between the first and second levels of the polynomial hierarchy. A language L is in S_2^P if there exists a polynomial-time predicate P such that

where size of y and z must be polynomial of x.

Relationship to other complexity classes

It is immediate from the definition that SP
is closed under union and complement. Comparing the definition with that of \Sigma_{2}^P and \Pi_{2}^P, it also follows immediately that SP
is contained in \Sigma_{2}^P \cap \Pi_{2}^P. This inclusion can in fact be strengthened to ZPPNP.[1]

Every language in NP also belongs to SP
. For by definition, a language L is in NP, if and only if there exists a polynomial-time verifier V(x,y), such that for every x in L there exists y for which V answers true, and such that for every x not in L, V always answers false. But such a verifier can easily be transformed into an SP
predicate P(x,y,z) for the same language that ignores z and otherwise behaves the same as V. By the same token, co-NP belongs to SP
. These straightforward inclusions can be strengthened to show that the class SP
contains MA (by a generalization of the Sipser–Lautemann theorem) and \Delta_{2}^P.

Karp–Lipton theorem

A version of Karp–Lipton theorem states that if every language in NP has polynomial size circuits then the polynomial time hierarchy collapses to SP
. This result yields a strengthening of Kannan's theorem: it is known that SP
is not contained in SIZE(nk) for any fixed k.

Symmetric hierarchy

As an extension, it is possible to define S_2 as an operator on complexity classes; then S_2 P = S_2^P. Iteration of S_2 operator yields a "symmetric hierarchy"; the union of the classes produced in this way is equal to the Polynomial hierarchy.


  1. Cai, Jin-Yi (2007), S_2^P \subseteq \mathsf{ZPP}^{\mathsf{NP}}, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 73 (1): 25–35, doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2003.07.015, MR 2279029. A preliminary version of this paper appeared earlier, in FOCS 2001, ECCC TR01-030, MR 1948751, doi:10.1109/SFCS.2001.959938.

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