São Benedito do Sul
São Benedito do Sul is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. It is located 172.5 km away from Recife, the capital of the state of Pernambuco. It has an estimated (Ibge 2009) population of 10,838 inhabitants.
- State - Pernambuco
- Region - Zona da mata Pernambucana
- Boundaries - Lagoa dos Gatos (N); Alagoas state (S); Maraial and Jaqueira (E); Quipapá and Panelas (W)
- Area - 156.78 km2
- Elevation - 474 m
- Hydrography - Una River
- Vegetation - Subperenifólia forest
- Climate - Hot tropical and humid
- Annual average temperature - 22.9 c
- Distance to Recife - 172.5 km
The main economic activities in São Benedito do Sul are based in agribusiness, especially sugarcane, bananas; and livestock such as cattle and chickens.
Economic indicators
Population[1] | GDP x(1000 R$).[2] | GDP pc (R$) | PE |
10.838 | 31.440 | 3.211 | 0.05% |
Economy by Sector 2006
Primary sector | Secondary sector | Service sector |
14.84% | 8.21% | 76.95% |
Health indicators
HDI (2000) | Hospitals (2007) | Hospitals beds (2007) | Children's Mortality every 1000 (2005) |
0.549 | 1 | 28 | 15.8 |
- ↑ http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/populacao/estimativa2009/POP2009_DOU.pdfIBGE Population 2009 São Benedito do Sul, page 35]
- ↑ São Benedito do Sul 2007 GDP IBGE page 32
- ↑ PE State site - City by city profile