Russ Tobin

Russ Tobin (sometimes known as Russell) is a fictional character in a paperback book series by author Stanley Morgan. These books were written by Morgan in the late 1960s through to the late 1970s. The author was recently coaxed out of retirement by renewed fan interest in his works on the internet and further installment of Russ Tobin's adventures was released in 2005.

Books featuring Tobin as character

A full list of Morgan's Russ Tobin books appears below in chronological order.

Tobin as character

Russ Tobin was described as a good looking man, 6 feet tall, with brown hair and blue eyes. At the beginning of the books he is reported to be 22 years old. He was a bit of a ladies' man, often seducing as many as four women per book. Tobin did not settle down with any of them though, preferring one night stands. He did come across one or two women that he briefly fell in love with, but his love of travel (and most certainly of meeting and conquering new women across the globe) meant that he basically ran from those kinds of relationships.

Tobin had lots of different jobs. He started out as a sewing machine salesman, went on to becoming a debt collector, had a brief career in TV ads for selling washing powder, and then started to work and travel overseas. He was a courier (which was the equivalent of a tour guide) on the Spanish isle of Majorca. He worked as a safari guide in Kenya, a Santa Claus in Canada, a male escort in Australia, and finally a film star in Hollywood.

Tobin's exact global itinerary throughout the series of novels is Liverpool; London; Majorca; Nairobi; Nassau; Miami; New York; Toronto; Las Vegas; Tahiti; Sydney; Ireland; Los Angeles; and Brighton.

Friends of Tobin's

Tobin had several friends in the series, most notably a larrikin Aussie called Buzz Malone. Frequently, Tobin gets into trouble with his mates, usually running from the police, or getting into a fight in a bar. They usually save one another from any scrapes they get into. Also, Tobin and his friends often pick up two girls in a bar or a nightclub, (but they sleep with them in different rooms- Tobin is not that close with his mates!)

Tobin On Screen

Although several deals were discussed in the 1970s to adapt the Russ Tobin novels for the screen, nothing was ever finalised. However, in 2008 Pillay Evans Productions signed an agreement to begin production of a film called Make Way For Tobin.

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