
Founded 2002
Founder RuleML Inc.
Focus Rule-based programming, Rule-based system, Logic programming, Production rule system, Business rules engine, Business rule management system, Semantic Web, Rule-based language
Origins RuleML
Products RuleML, W3C SWRL, W3C RIF, OASIS Legal RuleML, RuleML Symposium
Key people
Harold Boley, Adrian Paschke
Slogan Realize your Knowledge

The Rule Markup Language (RuleML) is a markup language developed to express both forward (bottom-up) and backward (top-down) rules in XML for deduction, rewriting, and further inferential-transformational tasks. It is defined by the Rule Markup Initiative, an open network of individuals and groups from both industry and academia that was formed to develop a canonical Web language for rules using XML markup and transformations from and to other rule standards/systems.

Markup standards and initiatives related to RuleML include:

See also

External links