Rukhsana Sultana

Rukshana Sultana promoted and motivated people in the Sanjay Gandhi’s "Indiri Bachao” a sterilisation programme in Delhi's politically hypersensitive Muslim quarters around Jama Masjid during the Emergency period in India. Rukshana was a boutique owner before she started working closely with Sanjay Gandhi[1] She induced 13,000 vasectomies in less than a year, the campaign erupted in rioting and violent clashes with the police and resulted in bloody deaths.[2] Rukshana was referred as Sanjay Gandhi’s right hand.[3]


Sultana's mother, Zarina, was the daughter of Mian Ehsan-ul-haque, the Chief Justice of the princely state of Bikaner in northern Rajasthan. He came from a landowning family, originally from Jalandhar, Punjab. Sultana's maternal aunt (her mother's younger sister) was actress Begum Para,

Sultana, a Muslim by birth, married Shivinder Singh, a Sikh army officer. He is the nephew of the novelist Khushwant Singh and the grandson of construction magnate Sir Sobha Singh of Lahore. Their only child is the actress Amrita Singh, ex-wife of the actor Saif Ali Khan.


  1. Mehta, Vinod. THE SANJAY STORY. ASIN B00B5EFU4G.
  2. "Emergency Duty". India today. Retrieved 22 January 2015.
  3. "Vote bank vagaries". The Statesman. Retrieved 22 January 2015.

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