Royal New Zealand Corps of Transport


The New Zealand Gazette of 12 May 1910 advised that the New Zealand Army Service Corps (NZASC) was formed and became a fully designated component of the defence forces of New Zealand. In 1946 the prefix "Royal" was approved in recognition of the Royal New Zealand Army Service Corps' (RNZASC) service during the 1939-45 war and the occupation of Japan. Effective from 12 May 1979 the RNZASC was disbanded and the Royal New Zealand Corps of Transport (RNZCT) was formed. However in April 1996 the RNZCT was disbanded and was absorbed into the Royal New Zealand Army Logistic Regiment (RNZALR).

Book - "Salute to Service"

The Corps' history is covered in the book "Salute To Service: A History Of The Royal New Zealand Corps Of Transport And Its Predecessors, 1860-1996", by Julia Millen; Victoria University Press, Wellington, 1997; ISBN 0-86473-324-0.

RNZCT Association

The RNZCT Association[1] was formed on 31 March 1994 to:

1. Support and protect the interests of members, promote good fellowship and maintain contact with, and between, members.

2. Arrange and conduct reunions at national level.

3. Assist in the establishment and advancement of Branches.

4. Be supportive of any Association member who may be in need.

5. Encourage historical research of the corps and to collect and preserve historical artifacts.

Eligibility for membership of the RNZCT Association extends to all who have worn the badge of the NZASC, RNZASC or RNZCT. In order to promote the interests of the Corps, the Association needs maximum support from both serving ex-Corps personnel and retired Corps personnel.
