Royal Coin Cabinet

Coordinates: 59°19′34″N 18°04′22″E / 59.32619°N 18.0729°E

The Royal Coin Cabinet in 2007

The Royal Coin Cabinet (Swedish: Kungliga Myntkabinettet) is a museum located on Slottsbacken, Gamla Stan, in central Stockholm, Sweden, dedicated to the history of money.

It is an institution with a national responsibility for the conservation and the historical studies of coins, medals, and finance in general. Through exposition the institution offers insights in the economical history of the world, by lending objects from its collection to researchers and expositions all over the world it helps developing the knowledge within its scope, and by maintaining a national register of coin hoards it is of great importance to scholars in Sweden.[1] Over the portal is a piece of art by Elisabeth Ekstrand from 1996 called Vattenporfyrlek ("Water Porphyry Game") made of porphyry and marble.


The museum includes exhibitions of coins, banknotes (the first in the world was issued in 1661 by Stockholms Banco), treasure hoards and piggy banks. Particularly notable are the oldest Swedish coin, a copper plate coin dating from Queen Christina's reign in 1644 that is thought at 19.7 kg to be the heaviest in the world, some of the Lohe treasure found in 1937 on Gamla Stan, Weimar Republic inflation currency and some Nobel prize medals.

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  1. "The museum and the mission". Royal Coin Cabinet. Archived from the original on 2006-12-20. Retrieved 2007-02-09.