Rosa Conde

Rosa Conde
Born 7 September, 1947
Nationality Spanish

Rosa Conde Gutiérrez del Álamo (born 7 September, 1947) was a Spanish Government spokesperson and is a lecturer.


Conde was born in Ronda. She took her degree and later taught at Complutense University of Madrid. She became the Spokesperson of the Spanish Government (Portavoz del Gobierno de España) from 11 July 1988 until July 13 1993 under the Presidency of Felipe González. She took over from Javier Solana and operated at a ministerial level. After that she became the Director of the Carolina Foundation[1] which is the body responsible for improving relations with Spanish speaking South America.


  1. Este es el primer día del resto de mi vida, El Pais, 29 March 2012, accessed October 2012