Ronald V. Book

Ronald V. Book
Born April 1937
Fields Computer Science
Alma mater Harvard University
Thesis Grammars with Time Functions
Doctoral advisor Sheila Greibach
Known for computational complexity theory, term rewriting systems, formal language theory

Ronald Vernon Book (April 1937 – May 28, 1997 in Santa Barbara, California) worked in theoretical computer science. He published more than 150 papers in scientific journals. He gave many talks at the following conferences:

His papers are of great impact for computational complexity theory and term rewriting.

Biographic notions

  1. A summary of Ronald V. Book's scientific research. In Advances in algorithms, languages, and complexity (Dordrecht, 1997), pp xv-xvii.
  2. D-Z Du and K-I Ko: In memoriam Ronald V. Book In Theoretical Computer Science 207 (1), pp 1–3, 1998.
  3. In memoriam: Ronald V. Book In: Bulletin of the European Association of Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 63, p 292, 1997.
  4. List of Ronald V. Book's publications. In memoriam of Ronald V Book, In Theoret. Comput. Sci. 207 (1), pp 5–11, 1998.
  5. List of Ronald V. Book's publications. In Advances in algorithms, languages, and complexity (Dordrecht, 1997), pp xxiii-xxxiv.
  6. Robert McNaughton: Contributions of Ronald V Book to the theory of string-rewriting systems. In memoriam of Ronald V Book, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 207 (1), pp 13–23, 1998.
  7. Maurice Nivat: Foreword in memoriam Ronald V Book. In memoriam of Ronald V Book, In Theoret. Comput. Sci. 207 (1), pp xiii-xiv, 1998.

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