Roberto Vargas (poet)

Roberto Vargas (poet)

Roberto Vargas (born February 24, 1941) is a Nicaraguan poet and political activist. He was born in Managua, Nicaragua and raised in the Mission District, San Francisco, where he became a prominent political activist. From 1974 through 1979, he taught Creative Writing at San Francisco State University.

He is best known for his work in the San Francisco Mission district during the Nicaraguan Revolution and bilingual poetry.[1]

Early life

He graduated from Mission High School in 1958. "I graduated from Mission High School in 1958 and used to hang out in North Beach, going around to see all the poets," he says.[2] Vargas attempted to have a career in boxing, but that ended shortly because of a detached retina that help him during the major drafts of young men to fight in Vietnam.

Political Activity and work in The Mission

Vargas went to San Francisco State University, during the heavily active student strikes in 1968-1969. He was one on the student who demand the University to have an Ethnic Studies department.

Roberto Vargas was among many Nicaraguenses who mobilized in San Francisco to form the Nicaraguense Comité Cívico (Nicaraguan Civic Committee) following the 6.2 magnitude 1972 Nicaragua earthquake. The committee set up donation centers in the San Francisco Mission to benefit those affected in the earthquake, however the ruling Nicaraguense party headed by Anastasio Somoza García was criticized for not distributing the aid received.[3]

Vargas and other poets, Alejandro Murguia, join force with the Pocho-Che Collective and published local poets within the Latino Community. Many of these poems were related to famous communist icon, Che Guevara. For these future famous poet Che, was the connection to the Third World countries and the barrios in the United States.

Among the tools used by the Nicaraguan Civic Committee to help liberate Nicaragua from Samoza were the recruitment of local and international Latino artists to add an extra artistic element to the political movement. This way the committee helped inform the community of the realities of Central American poverty and oppression.

Notable artists who collaborated with the committee were Nicaraguense poet Ernesto Cardenal and artist Juan Flores.[4]

Vargas decided that the political action taking place in San Francisco was not enough, so he and other Nicaraguenses joined the armed struggle in Nicaragua. To prepare, Vargas trained in martial arts and learned to fly small planes through their hourly rental at an aviation facility in San Francisco. Once in Nicaragua, Vargas fought for a year, during which time he would frequently visit family in San Francisco.[5]

In 1974, Vargas cofounded the Gaceta Sandinista, a San Francisco Spanish-language newspaper dedicated to covering the struggle in Nicaragua. The creation of this newspaper helped further his wishes of bringing the revolution to both countries.[6]

Vargas became involved with El Tecolote, a bilingual newspaper headquartered in San Francisco. And in 1975 wrote,

Every Latino has the responsibility to work toward the liberation of our people. There is no neutral or middle ground, and we must join the struggle[7]

Personal life

On his 70th birthday, a huge celebration for Roberto Vargas was perform in the street of the Mission. A poetry perform even in the Mission Cultural Center was honor him for his dedication movement in the 1970s. During this event, a special clips was shown of the honorable man taking over the Nicaraguan consulate in San Francisco. He had three children Roberto Ariel Vargas, Michelle Vargas and Rigoberto Enrique Vargas.




Vargas has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors including:


  1. Pérez, edited by Gina M.; Guridy,, Frank A., Jr, Adrian Burgos, (2010). Beyond el barrio : everyday life in Latina/o America. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-9129-8.
  2. Lyle, Erick. "Back to the streets". article. Retrieved 4 May 2011.
  3. Barrow, J.J. "When the Mission ran with the Rebels". article. Retrieved 4 May 2011.
  4. Pérez, edited by Gina M.; Guridy,, Frank A., Jr, Adrian Burgos, (2010). Beyond el barrio : everyday life in Latina/o America. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-9129-8.
  5. Pérez, edited by Gina M.; Guridy,, Frank A., Jr, Adrian Burgos, (2010). Beyond el barrio : everyday life in Latina/o America. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-9129-8.
  6. Barrow, J.J. "When the Mission ran with the Rebels". article. Retrieved 4 May 2011.
  7. Pérez, edited by Gina M.; Guridy,, Frank A., Jr, Adrian Burgos, (2010). Beyond el barrio : everyday life in Latina/o America. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-9129-8.
  8. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  9. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  10. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  11. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  12. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  13. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  14. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  15. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  16. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 7 May 2011.
  17. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 8 May 2011.
  18. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 8 May 2011.
  19. "Festival de Flor y Canto". Retrieved 8 May 2011.