Robert Alfoldi

Róbert Alföldi (Kalocsa, born 22 November 1967) was director of the Hungarian National Theater for five years from 1 July 2008 until 2013, and is a Mari Jászai prize winner actor, television anchorman and director.[1] His art was rewarded with several national prizes and professional recognitions.

Family background

He spent his childhood in Dunapataj and Ordas. His mother is Magdolna Farkas-Cseke a financial leader, his father is Albert Alfoldi a politition of the MSZP party and parliamentarian between 1994-1998. He met his father at the age of 28, he and his brother Szabolcs was raised entirely by his mother and grandmother. He has two half sisters and one half brother: Angéla,Alíz and Albert.[2]


In the primary school he studied at a musical school piano and violin as well, but at his early years he have decided to become an actor. He continued his studies in Szentes at the Horváth Mihály Highschool's drama department. After finishing the highschool he passed his entrance exam right away, and he continued his studies at the Faculty of Teathre, Film and Television, from Budapest.[3] He had as class leaders Istvan Horvai and Dezso Kapas, that are highly recognized acting teachers of this domain.[4]


He had his first performance as an actor, in his fourth university year, in 1991. He performed the role of Raskolnikov, from Dostoyevsky's :Crime and Punishment. In 1992 he became an actor of the biggest theatre company from Hungary, Vígszínház. His most important roles were: Romeo (Shakespeare:Romeo and Juliette), Ivan Karamazov (Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamazov), Arthur (Sławomir Mrożek: Tango), Oscar Wild: (Kaufman:The Great Indecency). His first work as a director was a great success, making his own interpretation of Tristan and Isolde. Since then he is directing in the best theatres all around Hungary.[5] Since 2000 he became a freelancer, so he quit being member of the Vígszínház. Until 2006 he was a freelancer and in this period due to his appearance on television he became well-known at the national level. Between 1998 and 2002 he worked at the RTL Klub channel, moderating the Jó Reggelt morning show, thanks to which he gain his national fame. Since then he is constantly present on several television channels. Between the 1 March 2006 and 28 February 2008 he was the Director f the Bárka Theatre. Since 1 July 2008 he is director of the Hungarian National Theater. In 2007 he was one of Judges of the "Társulat" TV Show. He is going to be a member of the judges at the next edition of the Hungarian X Faktor in 2013.

Main theater roles

He has had a total of 51 theatre roles and has directed 56 different performances.

Main directed performances



  1. Robert Alfoldi Biografie (Alföldi Róbert életrajza). (Published on: 29 May 2011)
  2. Robert Alfoldi Biografie (Alföldi Róbert életrajza). (Published on: 29 May 2011)
  3. Robert Alfoldi Biografie (Alföldi Róbert életrajza). (Published on: 29th May 2011)
  4. Nem lesz román nemzeti ünnep a Nemzetiben., 17 November2010
  5. Nem lesz román nemzeti ünnep a Nemzetiben., 17 November 2010
  6. ↑ The prizes of Robert Alfoldi. (Alföldi Róbert díjai). (Published:3rd, February,2012)