Robbie Duff Scott

Robbie Duff-Scott (born 1959) is a British artist.

Life and work

Robbie Duff Scott was born in Bristol. He was educated at Colston's School and went on to study at York University.

Duff-Scott was a finalist at the 1984 John Player Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery, London, and a prize winner at the Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.

Since 1990 he has exhibited work in Amsterdam, Glasgow, Cologne, and London but predominantly in central and northern Italy.

His work was described in the Independent as:

Stuffed, late-Victorian style, with symbolic properties: images of fading youth, broken glass, spent matches, images of absence and restlessness, patterns in the dust where there was once a picture or a key, abandoned fruit, images of weather and forest and sea creeping into the brittle urban lives of his traumatised dames.[1]

He was the third husband of author, Lisa St Aubin de Teran. He lives and works in Umbria, Italy.

Notes and references

  1. Walsh, John. "The Arts: The melancholy of anatomy" The Independent, 18 October 2000. Retrieved from, 2 March 2009.