River Valley Technical Center

River Valley Technical Center
Type Public secondary
Grades 9–12
Location 307 South Street,
Springfield, Vermont, USA
Director Scott Farr
Assistant Director TBD
Website http://rvtc.org/

River Valley Technical Center is a technical and vocational school located in Springfield, Vermont. The River Valley Technical Center offers an education that prepares students to be career and college ready. Students learn technical skills in their program areas, employability skills that prepare them for the workplace, and academic skills including math, reading and writing, science, or social studies are taught as part of the program area curriculum. Today, employers are looking for employees who are able to utilize technology, solve problems, and work effectively in teams. The River Valley Technical Center affords high school students and adults the chance to learn these skills through practical, hands-on experience so that they are better prepared to take advantage of further learning and career opportunities. Many of the programs offer post-secondary credit, industry-recognized credentials, and leadership opportunities. The River Valley Technical Center enrolls students from Bellows Falls Union High School, Black River High School, Compass School, Green Mountain Union High School, Fall Mountain Regional High School, and Springfield High School. They also enroll home schooled students, recent high school graduates and students from private schools. Until the 2007-2008 school year, the center was under the jurisdiction of the Springfield School District until all towns who send students to the center voted to separate from the Springfield School District and fall under the purview of a newly created district.


The curriculum includes more than programs in a variety of fields. In addition to professional educators, many of the classes are taught by professionals who have vast experience in the field that they teach. A credit-value is developed for each course which is recommended a student's sending school.

The available programs are:

  • Audio Video Production
  • Business Management
  • Carpentry
  • Criminal Justice
  • Culinary Arts
  • Hands-On Computer Systems
  • Health Careers
  • Horticulture and Natural Resources
  • Human Services
  • Industrial Trades
  • Mechanical Design and Innovation
  • Technology Essentials
  • Pre-Technical Studies

External links

Official website