Rio Segundo virus

Rio Segundo virus
Virus classification
Group: Group V ((-)ssRNA)
Order: Unassigned
Family: Bunyaviridae
Genus: Hantavirus
Species: Rio Segundo virus

Rio Segundo virus is a single-stranded, negative-sense RNA hantavirus isolated in the Costa Rican harvest mouse (R. Mexicanus). It is phylogenetically related to Sin Nombre virus and causes hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. No cases in humans have yet been reported but it is believed this is due to misdiagnosis and confusion with other rapidly progressive, life-threatening respiratory illnesses such as plague, influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. In addition, human contact with infected mice in Mexico may be less frequent than human contact in the western United States.[1][2]

See also


  1. Mary L. Milazzo1, Maria N.B. Cajimat1, Hannah E. Romo, Jose G. Estrada-Franco, L. Ignacio Iñiguez-Dávalos, Robert D. Bradley, and Charles F. Geographic Distribution of Hantaviruses Associated with Neotomine and Sigmodontine Rodents, Mexico. Emerging infectious Disease Journal. Volume 18, Number 4—April 2012.
  2. MacNeil A, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, United States, 1993–2009. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011;17:1195–201. DOIExternal Web Site IconPubMedExternal Web Site Icon

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