Rima Ariadaeus

Rima Ariadaeus as photographed from Apollo 10. The crater to the south of the rille in the left half of the image is Silberschlag. The dark patch at the top right is the floor of the crater Boscovich.
Oblique view also from Apollo 10, with Ariadaeus crater in lower left and Rima Ariadaeus extending to the horizon

Rima Ariadaeus is a linear rille on the Moon at 6°24′N 14°00′E / 6.4°N 14.0°E. It is named after the crater Ariadaeus, which marks its eastern end. Over 300 kilometers long, it is thought to have been formed when a section of the Moon's crust sank down between two parallel fault lines (making it a graben or fault trough). It is a relatively young lunar feature, with few craters or other features overlying it. The west end intersects with Rima Hyginus.

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